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Map Checking and Annexations

The Map Checking and Annexations Unit is the repository for various city and district maps within Orange County and is responsible for:

Checking the legal description and map for proposed annexations (city/district gains previously unclaimed land..i.e. unincorporated territory [in a city situation] or land not currently within a district).

  • Reorganizations (swap of land between 2 similar cities/districts)
  • Incorporations (when a new city is established)
  • Formations (when a new district is created)
  • De-annexations (when a city/district detaches land that is now being given to another city/district).

  1. A legal description and map exhibit of the property that is being annexed to a particular city or district and accompanying map must be prepared and submitted to the OC Survey (G.L.I.S.) / Boundary Unit.
  2. Once the legal description has been submitted and the appropriate picture_as_pdf fees have been paid, the documents are checked for accuracy and compliance with government codes and regulations.
    Note: The parcel needs to be immediately adjacent or contiguous to the principal city / district.
  3. G.L.I.S. sends a letter to the Surveyor/Engineer of record for the project, indicating changes that need to be made, if any, to the legal description and map.
  4. A formal application must be made with Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (Orange LAFCO).  Orange LAFCO assigns a permanent file number to the project which is noted on the original copies of the legal description, map and all correspondence.  The County Surveyor will then approve the legal description and map, forward copies to Orange LAFCO.  Orange LAFCO then calendars the project for Commission approval.
  5. After Orange LAFCO approves, they will forward the project to the State Board of Equalization for acceptance.
  6. Once accepted by the State Board, Orange LAFCO notifies G.L.I.S., which then notifies the appropriate agencies and updates records with the change.

For a more detailed description of this process, view the Annexation Procedures Manual.

picture_as_pdf 2022-23 Fee Schedule (Updated: 1-07-2025)

Deposits for map preparation to be determined on a case by case basis.

Most annexations need to be approved by the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission.

Orange LAFCO can be reached at:   
phone (714) 640-5100

Cities/districts under the jurisdiction of LAFCO

  • All Cities
  • County Service Areas
  • Waterworks Districts
  • Water Districts
  • Cemetery Districts
  • Community Service Districts
  • Irrigation Districts
  • Library Districts
  • Recreation and Park Districts
  • Sanitary Districts
  • County Sanitation Districts


  • Have the legal description typed on line number paper
  • Make sure the Surveyor/Engineer signs and stamps/seals both the legal description and the map
  • The legal description and map must agree in all areas
  • Use existing boundary of city/district for control, where applicable (click here for more info)
  • Prepare the map at a scale that is reasonable for scanning & reproduction purposes
  • Check with the Boundary Unit for current research on existing boundaries
  • Newly created city/district boundary lines need to have bearings and distances described in the legal description and on the map

picture_as_pdf Map Checking Fees - Initial Deposits   

picture_as_pdf Recording & Filing Fees  

explore Digital Map Submission

picture_as_pdf Tract/Parcel Map Monument Inspection Fees    

picture_as_pdf Additional Keys to Successful Mapcheck 

For all map-checking submittals, create an account at:

Note: All maps must be signed and stamped with the preparer's seal.

View the Corner Record Checklist - From Section 8773.2(a) of the Professional Land Surveyors Act

Read the Subdivision Map Checking FAQ.

Make checks payable to the County of Orange


  • Each Tract/Parcel Map will be evaluated on an individual basis, therefore, an additional deposit may be requested.
  • The Title Company pays Tract and Parcel Map recording fees at the time of recordation.
  • Please refer to the picture_as_pdf  Fee Schedule for necessary details regarding fees.

Note: Tract & Parcel Map recording fees are paid by the title company at the time of recordation.

 Description: Fee:

Note: The "Affordable Housing and Jobs State Act Fee" of $75.00 is required for all Real Estate recordations at time of recording.   (Please see 2018 Fee Schedule for details)

$75.00 (CA State Required Fee)
Records of Survey & Amending Maps $6.00 for 1st sheet
$2.00 each additional sheet
Certificates of Correction - 8.5x11 1st Sheet - $7.00
Each additional Sheet - $3.00
Fraud fee - $3.00 (County Recorder)
Note: Please submit 2 checks one for $9 and one for $10 each (one check for Map Checking and one check for the County Recorder); both checks are payable to "County of Orange".
 Non-Standard Size 1st Sheet - $9.00
Each additional Sheet - $6.00

Note: Tract & Parcel Map recording fees are paid by the title company at the time of recordation.)

For any further information please contact:

emailSusan Ruiz 
phone (714) 647-3997  
Upload through


  • Monument inspection fees apply to tract and parcel map numbers issued after September 14, 1992 (Tr. 14762 & PM 92-231).
  • The Engineer/Surveyor will submit fee at the time they request the monument inspection.

Read the picture_as_pdf Monumentation Policy.

Description: Fee:
Tract Minimum Deposit $1,476.00 (8 hours)
 Parcel Maps Minimum Deposit $738.00 (4 hours)