- OC Survey - Boundary Unit: Subdivision Map Checking, Public Services/Survey Records, Boundary Analysis, Map Checking & Annexations.
- OC Survey - Office Unit: Land Information Systems, Geodetic Control, G.I.S. Mapping, Landbase Management.
- OC Survey - Right of Way Engineering Unit: Process real property transactions, Determination of parcel boundaries and acreage, Preparation and review of legal descriptions and maps, Review and assessment of existing title matters, Maintain a public service counter and the real property records.
- OC Survey - Field Survey Unit: Alignment Analysis, Cadastral Surveys, Claims Investigation Surveys, Construction Surveys, Control Surveys, Deformation Surveys, GPS Surveys, High Definition Surveys, Hydrographic Surveys, Legal Descriptions, Pavement Management, Photogrammetric Control, Topographic Surveys, Volume/Quality Calculations.
What is OC Survey?
OC Survey is a many layered application of technologically advanced land measuring techniques and property identification. This information is obtained through the global positioning system, remote sensing, photogrammetry, cartography, geographic information systems, computers, software and other related technology to capture, analyze manipulate and display this information in a commonly recognized format.
Geodetic Surveys
The Geodetic Unit has a highly advanced network of information gathering equipment for land measurement and has this information available to the public in paper or floppy disk form. Shown here is a “real time kinematic” equipment, which gives land measurement, within a centimeter, at any location on the earth, where it is positioned.
Hydrographic Surveys
Global Positioning System surveys (GPS) are also used to measure the surface of the oceans, harbors and lakes. At left, is the G.L.I.S. Boston Whaler, performing a hydro survey in Newport Harbor, to determine how the floor of the harbor has shifted over a multiyear span.
Field Surveys
Traditional field surveys are performed using equipment of the highest caliber. County surveys are of the first order. Shown left, is a Survey Party Chief & an Instrumentman, surveying an area soon to be a new road, near the Newport Coast area.
Land Information Systems
Using recorded surveys, subdivision maps and like information, this data is entered into a “master” landbase, where various types of information are “layered” onto the parcels, creating a “total picture”. An example would be, owner, address, right of way lines, assessor parcel numbers, gas/power lines involved, etc. Shown here is the landbase at it’s inception.
Land Information Systems
Utilizing newer and more powerful computers, the landbase can be updated almost immediately. This information is accessible at your fingertips, using a Personal Computer.
Geographic Information Systems
Also using the multi-layering information systems, maps and datasets are created to identify various land use areas. At left, is a map of the City of Irvine, with the various areas highlighted, i.e., recreational areas, heavy residential, commercial areas, agriculture, military areas, etc.
Geographic Information Systems
Shown at left, is a map of the Decibel Contour Noise Elevation at the El Toro Marine Base. A series of microphones were installed at various intervals of the base, recording when the sounds of the aircraft reaches or exceeds 65 decibels. This data is then translated on a map to identify communities that may be affected by excessive noise.
Public Services
Serving the public at the County Service Center, G.L.I.S. personnel are available to answer any question regarding research, fees and product availability. Research is their primary focus, with an army of information readily available, on maps, in books, and microfiche, including recorded document information.
Public Services
Subdivisions, roads, right of way properties, monumentation reference material, instructions & forms regarding filing and recording documents are available at:
County Service Center OC Public Works, 601 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701